TransitionsA great book that describes the transition phenomenon and how it effects us. Incredibly helpful at normalizing the difficulties that transitions bring, as well as how often we go through them. |  The Power of NowA powerful book that describes the power of our minds, both the creative and destructive qualities. He discusses ways to work with the mind: how to use it for the gifts it brings, and well as how to tame the destructive nature of it. |  The Gifts of ImperfectionTo get an idea of what Brene discusses in this book, watch her Ted talk on shame and vulnerability: https://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_on_vulnerability
A great book that addresses why vulnerability is so important and how shame and the self judge impedes that process and the good things we are wanting in life. She also includes different exercises to get clearer and aid towards self growth, awareness, and healing. |